Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Review: Network

Network is a movie about a newscaster who decides he has had enough with how terrible the world has gotten and uses his position to proclaim to the people watching him how bad things really are. He ends up being seen as a type of messiah and voice of the people. His popularity skyrockets and the TV station moves him from the news anchor position to have his own TV show where he can rant to the people's delight.

This movie is a comedy, first and foremost. However, the comedy is done in a way that it is incredibly subtle and is brilliant for doing so. There are no gags, pauses for laughter, or situational jokes. The comedy comes from the absurdity of real life which is being satirized throughout the movie. Much of what is happening really does mirror how real life works even if we have missed just how ridiculous it all is and this movie points it out.

The movie is a commentary on society, media, social construct, mob mentality, leadership, and position of power. It was made during a time America was transitioning from the so called perfect utopia in paintings to the more realistic setting we think of it today, filled with poverty, uncertainty, disloyalty to the government. America is going through another transition, as it is losing its status as the world power to one that might fall under foreign rule. this makes Network definitely relatable to current events.

Final Verdict: Red light, make sure to stop and see Network.

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