Saturday, November 22, 2014

Review: Boyz in the Hood

Life is depicted differently depending on the circumstances surrounding a person. For the hundreds of suburban so called everyman we see in movies, there's comes one that is not so lucky. Boyz in the Hood is about the life of a Southern California urban youth and his friends living the hard knock life.

This movie is a drama. Unlike many movies like this which uses humor with dramatic moments, the entire story has a serious tone. The story begins with the characters as boys. We are shown the unpleasant lives they must endure with things like dead bodies hanging around that no one bothers to report or clean up. The movie then flash forwards to the characters as adults. Life is still tough with like night time shootings and drug addicts harassing them.

The movie makes a point about how people who live in their situation are normally ignored or hoped to be rid of. They are trapped in a situation that seems impossible to escape, while the rest of the country turns their back on them. Without any help, very few are lucky enough to find a way out, and most end up like how many of the characters ended up in this movie.

This movie was fascinating and also made me think about how lucky I actually am, and how as a country we should show our gratefulness by pushing for trying to help those are are not so lucky. This is a fantastic movie, and a definite must watch.

Final Verdict: Red light. Stop, watch, and reflect on this great piece.

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